
1 click to

Open frequently used links

Copy frequently used notes

easyy.click - Manage frequently used links and notes | Product Hunt

No fancy technology, just a simple tool to help your everyday.

Cross devices

Access your links & notes on all your devices.

E2E encrypted

Everything is encrypted before sent to server, nobody but you can read them. Learn more and check source code

Better than bookmarks

E2E encrypted
Cross devices

Only with same browser on all devices

1 click to open

Multiple clicks (Links are saved in bookmark folders)

Simpler than clipboard manager

CB Managers 
Clipboard history

Never read your clipboard history

Read all / most of your clipboard history 😨

E2E encrypted

Most don't

1 click to copy

Open list, choose one, or even do search

Lifetime deal

Pay once, use forever


$19 for early users

Unlimited links

Unlimited notes

All links and notes are encrypted

Group links / notes (coming)

Try 14 days for free